Please note : All Theory Aspects are covered here , you will still have to attend practical sessions and demonstrate competence.
1.Advantages of Taking Online Classes
Online learning (or distance education, as it’s known in certain circles) can generally be defined as academic material – classes and coursework – delivered via the Internet.
- Affordability
- Comfort of learning environment
- Improving technical skills
- Offers Access To Updated Content
- Quick Delivery Of Lessons
- Scalability
- Consistency
- Reduced Costs
- Effectiveness
2.How Do Online College Classes Work, and what do I need?
Online courses are available through an institution’s virtual learning environment. All coursework, including discussions, tests and assignments, is completed electronically. Simply log-in through a web browser, click on the course link and you’re in class!
You will need to have access to the course on a Laptop, computer, smart tab, smart phone.
You will need internet , WiFi , and data.
It allows instructors to ,upload course information for easy student access. provides accessible exchange of information between trainers and students.
4.How do I access the course content ?
Register ,application form and make payment . link will be forwarded to access content
5.How do I register and make payment?
Please visit one of our course links below to register.
6.How do I complete my practicals ?
You will be allocated times tables to attend college for demonstration and practical elements ,alternatively Attend virtual workshops and live videos .
7. Is there any interaction with lecturers and other students?
Unlike on-ground classes, there is no hiding out in the “back row.” Everyone participates. Many online colleges require students to engage in weekly discussions. lecturers provide feedback on assignments and are typically available via e-mail, phone and course chat rooms. Some even keep virtual office hours.
8. How much time will I spend studying?
Online learning is flexible. But you still have to earn the qualification – and that takes work. On average, expect to spend 6-9 hours per week in coursework and studying for each class you take. Refer to learning Hours
9. What are the important things I need to know when completing a class ?
- fill in and sign attendance class register
- fill in lesson evaluation form and return back to facilitator
- complete all workbooks and submit via email or print and complete and drop off at college.
- read your learner guide and complete all activities.
- attend all classes punctually (online or onsite delivery method)
- Practical evidence : onsite -demonstrations , role play, assessments, case studies, portfolio of evidence
- live video , assignments, witness, supervisor assessment on workplace competence
10. Who do I contact for any queries?
Direct to email info@knrdurban.co.za an agent will respond to you in 48 hours.